Public relations

Public relations (PR) is a strategic management discipline. It includes media relations but also many more elements that integrate to raise your profile, boost your reputation and improve your most important stakeholder relationships.

Video interview

LMC provides PR and media relations services for all parts of construction, property and the built environment. We can also help you build your own positive relationships with journalists and specialist correspondents.

PR is a strategic management discipline, not a short-term marketing tactic.

We are not a press release factory. We insist on intelligent, credible, targeted, optimised and 100% evaluated PR that meets specified business goals. We’ll never jeopardise our media relationships with poor PR practice.

Instead, we work with you to provide the media with exactly what they want – new information, powerful stories, intelligent analysis, insights, and strong positions on the issues that matter most.

We have particularly strong contacts within national, international and specialist media, bloggers, podcasters, influencers and commentators in relevant business, trade, professional and consumer markets.

We can also train your spokespeople and help them talk to the media. We’ll be a mentor and give support at every step. You’ll be clear on your messages and the topics where you can demonstrate your expertise. You’ll gain a higher profile in the media, and we’ll measure and evaluate every aspect of your PR success.

Elmhurst video interview
Ask us about our Press Office services, media training and PR strategy work. We work best as an integrated extension to your inhouse team, building long-term relationships for you with the media that matters most, but can also take on short-term PR projects in some circumstances.
PR publications
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PR digital publications