LHC Procurement Group

Using gold standard public sector procurement as a powerful force for good - communicating LHC's positive impact on modern methods of construction, low carbon retrofit, sustainability, diversity and inclusion and social value

LHC Offsite Construction

LHC Procurement Group is a leading provider of free-to-use frameworks for the UK public sector, particularly working with local authorities and housing associations to improve construction procurement, including promoting local SMEs to achieve higher quality and energy efficiency standards, the uptake of MMC and increased social value.

Social value leaders

In 2020 LMC was appointed by LHC to support its group communications and marketing team, to help raise its profile via the construction media, and to demonstrate its local expertise and thought leadership to public sector audiences.

We set up a core Press Office function for LHC, including a regular, efficient pipeline of PR around each of its procurement frameworks and their key stages. We have also maintained a content strategy of regular opinion pieces, video discussions and an e-book on how public sector procurement can contribute to the Levelling Up agenda and increased social value in the UK.

In just one example, our opinion piece for LHC's regional director on MMC –Time for a bit of honesty? in February 2021 was a bold and forthright article which achieved very high impact. During that week, the region's website received more visits than all the other LHC group and regional websites put together. The article was shared very extensively across social media and continues to attract comment.

We advised on LHC's group communications as it completed a significant transformational change programme, and have been promoting its Community Benefit Fund which delivers local projects that improve communities, buildings and homes.

LHC news
LMC runs the LHC press office, managing all aspects of the organisation's media relations and writing a regular series of news stories and blog posts on a wide range of public sector procurement issues


  • 410 pieces of highly targeted media coverage so far

    Promoting the benefits of LHC frameworks and its advice for registered social landlords

    150+ inbound links created

    Building SEO strength and trust in the LHC website

  • 3,900 shares, likes and other engagements

    Social media engagements wih LHC's online media coverage in 2021/22

    Over £100K awarded to worthy causes

    Generating multiple local stories about social value

May 2022 buildingengineer dean fazackerley of lhc group believes we should be going for gold
May june 2022 offsite using the power of offsite
November 2022 mmc mmc solution to deliver 1 000 council homes

Do you have a project you want to talk to us about?

LMC is a PR and communications consultancy on a mission to help our clients change the construction, property and built environment sectors for the better.

Using our specialist knowledge and skills, we help clients to achieve their change agenda, building their reputation and profile around the topics that matter most.

If you need help to meet your ambitions and make a difference, please get in touch for an informal discussion about how we can help.